
In order to develop backy2, follow these steps. This is all tested in ubuntu 16.10 and 16.04 as user. If anything in backy2 requires root, it will be explicitly mentioned (hint: it’s not much!).

Checkout the repository:

$ git clone
$ cd backy2

Create a virtualenv:

$ make env

This will install all dependent python packages as well as all requirements for tests and documentation building.

To see what this does, just look at the Makefile. It’s not magic.

Getting version information

In order to get version information, run:

make info


To rebuild anything, at any time simply run

make clean

As this will also remove your virtualenv, re-run

make env

after this.

Running tests

There are very few pytest test cases. We hope to have more in the future. Anyway, you can run them via

make test


pytest tests are currently in a disasterous state. Don’t run them, they’ll fail.

The much more challenging test cases are in a scripted smoketest. This test runs 100 backups (including hint files, even with different image sizes), scrubs and restores and compares all these. This is and will be the realistic implementation test for backup, scrub and restore. This must not fail:

make smoketest

Running backy2

In order to run backy2, source the virtualenv:

$ . env/bin/activate
$ backy2 --help

After that, you may follow the backup section in the quickstart tutorial.

Creating a debian package

Follow these steps to create a new .deb release:

  1. Update the changelog in debian/changelog. Just follow the existing formatting. Please ignore false weekday names - they’re from me as I’m very lazy with this.

  2. Change the version in

  3. make deb

The new .deb file will be stored in ../backy2_<version>_all.deb.

Building the docs

To build the docs, run:

make docs

The built html docs are then in build/html/index.html.


  • Data backends are in src/backy2/data_backends. Their abstract implemetation is in src/backy2/data_backends/

    Which data backend is in use is directly defined in backy.cfg in the section [DataBackend] under the key type. Example: type: backy2.data_backends.file.

  • Meta backends are in src/backy2/meta_backends. Their abstract implemetation is in src/backy2/meta_backends/

    Which meta backend is in unse is directly defined in backy.cfg in the section [MetaBackend] under the key type. Example: type: backy2.meta_backends.sql.

  • The SQL migrations are in src/backy2/meta_backends/sql_migrations. They are automatically generated with the script alembic. This script only shortcuts the -c option. The call is then ./alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Added snapshot_name to versions".

Have fun ;)