
In this chapter you will learn everything about backy2’s encryption, migration to the next encryption version and changing your keys (aka re-keying)

$ backy2 migrate-encryption --help
usage: backy2 migrate-encryption [-h] version_uid

positional arguments:
  version_uid  The version uid to migrate

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
$ backy2 rekey --help
usage: backy2 rekey [-h] oldkey

positional arguments:
  oldkey      The old key as it was found in the config

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


You must set a encryption key (64 hex characters, resulting in a 32-byte AES key) to the [DEFAULTS] section of backy.cfg. You will only be able to read or scrub data when the key is correct (or the blocks don’t have encryption):

encryption_key: decafbaddecafbaddecafbzddecafbaddecafbaddecafbaddecafbaddecafba
encryption_version: 1


The above key is intentionally invalid so that nobody copy&pastes this.

Please create your own key, e.g. via:

$ openssl rand -hex 32

If you lose your key

If you lose your key you will not be able to restore or scrub your data and you will have to backup all data again. Please note that if you lose your key, you will have to start with a new backy2 database.

The reason is, that backy2 will not check if existing blocks (which may be used when using a hints-file during backup or when deduplication is enabled) have a valid encryption key during backups for performance reasons.


Re-keying is good habit. You may change your backup key every now and then, for example when persons leave your company and they might have the old key.

Re-keying does not access your data backend (i.e. the stored blocks). This means, it’s a relatively fast, local process on your backup-server.

This is possible because backy2 sets an individual encryption key for each block and wraps this key with the key in your backy2.cfg. When re-keying, the encryption-key will not be changed. Instead, it will be unwrapped with your old key and wrapped with your new key. As the wrapped keys are stored in your meta backend (i.e. your database), this action can be performed locally.

These are the recommended steps for re-keying:

  1. check that you have backy2 export for every of your versions, because the export contains the keys wrapped by your old key

  2. comment out your old key configured in encryption_key in backy.cfg

  3. create a new key by calling openssl rand -hex 32

  4. set the new key into backy.cfg in encryption_key

  5. call backy2 rekey <oldkey>

  6. wait

The rekeying is done in one database transaction and it will lock backy2 completely (i.e. you can not run any backups, scrubs, restores while it is running).

Just in case your DBMS has a bug or something crashes really badly there’s a small chance that this process only changes some blocks. If this happens, remove all existing version (backy2 rm -f <version>) and re-import them from the exports you created in step 1 above. Then repeat the process.

After the process has finished, create new exports for all versions because they now contain the new wrapped keys.

Encryption versions

backy2 defines integer versions for encryption. Usually 1 should be better than 0, 2 better than 1.

As of this writing, version 1 is the current version whereas previous backy2 versions created backups with no encryption, which has been redefined as encryption version 0.

Version 1 uses AES GCM with 256bit keys + a nonce per block. Before it encrypts a block, data is compressed with zstandard compression level 1.

If we learn that there’s a problem with this encryption, we will be able to implement a next version with corrected encryption or compression.

Migrating to the next encryption version

When migrating to a new encryption version, you will have to call backy2 migrate-encryption <version> for each version.

backy2 will then create a new version for the encrypted blocks. Doing this means, backy2 will read each block from the data backend, decrypt it, encrypt it and store it to the data backend again, just like a regular backup.

However migrate-encryption is faster than restoring and backing up again because it benefits from existing blocks which already are encrypted - just like deduplication works.

These are the steps to perform in order to migrate to the next encryption version (if available).

  1. set the new encryption_version in backy.cfg

  2. for each existing version (backy2 ls -f uid) call backy2 migrate-encryption <version uid>

This process may run in parallel to running backups/restores.